A Tutorial on BASIC Character Set, Variables and Commands

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FiOsyl1GCwg In this lesson, I introduce the concept of variables, BASIC character set and how to use some BASIC commands in simple programs. BASIC was arguably the most popular programming language for many years. It is still a good choice for learning the fundamentals of programming given that it is easy…

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An Introduction to Algorithm

This video tutorial on algorithm is for absolute beginners who want to understand the role of algorithms in programming. An algorithm is a sequence of steps for performing a particular task. An algorithm can be expressed as a flow chart or a pseudocode. It should be finite and unambiguous. Algorithms and…

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Musings on Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence is the study and creation of artificial intelligent agents. To ameliorate the seeming tautology in the definition, it is important to state the characteristics of intelligent agents. An agent is anything that performs an action in an environment. Human beings, dogs, robots and self-driving cars are some examples of…

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