Matutinal Musings on Mobile Web

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The Web has come a long way; from an era when websites were static, and thus did not allow users to interact with them to the current era when websites are dynamic, and thus allow user-generated content.

I think W3C is ambitious in its quest to create “One Web.” For W3C (n. d.), this means that the same information should be available on all devices While this goal is worthy in the sense that it will drive innovations in web technologies, it is not achievable now for many reasons including difference in hardware capability, challenges posed by mobile internet services and to a lesser degree, differences in software ecosystem. The popularity and use of mobile phones bring us closer to achieving the goal but it should be noted that many a person still uses feature phones. In designing mobile Web, it is sometimes necessary to have a fallback text or background for the times when an image cannot be displayed on a mobile device. It is understandable why the vision of W3C is important and desirable. Some years ago, it was common to create two versions of a website—one for phones and another for desktop computers and laptops. What a waste of time it was! Today, we have responsive websites that can adapt to any screen size and still look good.

It is surprising that some years ago some people saw drop-down menus as an anachronistic way of navigating. I realize that the context of the view is use of CSS hover feature in mobile devices. Well, drop-down menus are still in use. There are ways of implementing them on mobile devices that use touch screens and they work well.

JavaScript is used for making websites interactive. jQuery is an easy way to use JavaScript on websites. jQuery is a concise JavaScript library. jQuery and JavaScript run on the client side given that browsers have embedded engines to run them. They enjoy cross-browser support.

Some people recommend that JavaScript be placed between the <head> and </head> tag. They argue that placing it in the body might lead to a situation where an attempt is made to manipulate elements that have not been loaded. Some say the script tag should be placed before </body> tag. Each method has advantages and disadvantages. There are those who say putting script in <head> tag slows down the loading of pages. I think that placing the script before </body> tag has a disadvantage given that the user may interact with elements before they are acted upon by a function, and thus cause a problem in executing the function.

Many people are of the opinion that jQuery scripts should be placed in the <head> tag in all the. I think that the script will work if placed in the body because of the inclusion of $(document).ready(function(){} which implies that elements will be manipulated only when the document (that is, elements) is ready.


W3C (n .d.). Web of Devices. Retrieved from

C. O. Daniel

C. O. Daniel holds degrees in Computer Science and certifications from CompTIA and Microsoft. His areas of interest include computer networking, cybersecurity and programming.

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